Monday 13 January 2014


                                       Here are some Questions to update in Solidworks

1.Convert Entities copies one or more curves into the active sketch by projecting them
onto the sketch plane.

2.In an assembly, parts are referred to as: Components.

3.Relationships that align and fit components together in an assembly: Mates

4.The symbol (f) in the FeatureManager design tree indicates a component is: Fixed

5.The symbol (-) indicates a component is: Underdefined

6.When you make a component pattern, the component you are copying is called the
Seed component.

7.A SolidWorks document that contains two or more parts: Assembly

8.You cannot move or rotate a fixed component unless you Float it first.

9 How do you start a new Assembly document?
Answer: Click the New icon. Select a assembly template. Click OK.

2 What are components?

Answer: Components are parts or sub-assemblies contained in an assembly.
3 The Convert Entities sketch tool projects selected geometry onto the ________ plane?
Answer: Current sketch.

4 True or False. The Offset Entities sketch tool was used to copy the Cut-Extrude
Answer: False.

5 How many mates were required to fully define the Tutor assembly?
Answer: The Tutor assembly required 3 Coincident Mates.

6 True or False. Edges and faces can be selected items for Mates in an assembly.
Answer: True.

7 A component in an assembly displays a (-) prefix in the FeatureManager design tree. Is
the component fully defined?
Answer: No. A component that contains the (-) prefix is not fully defined. Additional
mates are required.

8 When components are modified, describe the result to the assembly?
Answer: The assembly reflects the new component modifications.

9 What actions do you perform when an edge or face is too small to be selected by the
• Use Zoom options from the View toolbar to increase the geometry size
• Use Selection Filters
• Right-click and choose Select Other

10 Name the mates required to fully define the switchplate-fastener assembly?
Answer: The switchplate-fastener assembly required 3 mates for each
fastener: Concentric Mate, Coincident Mate and Parallel Mate.

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